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Imagine NEVER having to feel starving losing weight again?

Imagine NEVER having to feel starving losing weight again?

No tiny serves. No fuss. Just filling, tasty meals and done-for-you meal plans that will have you slimming down whilst (actually) living life.

Join now!
No tiny serves. No fuss.
Just filling, tasty meals and
done-for-you meal plans that
will have you slimming down
& losing the bloat whilst (actually) living life.
Join now!

Recently Featured

My signature 3 Week Body Reset program helps you go from "trying it all", frustrated, hungry and stuck in the toxic “yo-yo” dieting cycle...
To a woman that’s full and satisfied, whilst slimming down, losing the bloat and still enjoying life's joys - like burgers and wine. 
It has been the kick-starter to transforming the lives of thousands of women worldwide! 

I lost 3 kilos!

"At age 45, I was finding it difficult to lose weight, having tried numerous programs. I'm enjoying the variety of food and snacks which are easy to prepare and very filling. I have less bloating, more energy & a whole new outlook & appreciation for the way I eat".

- Kylie Scudds

Life changing!

"I lost 3.5kg, my bloating issues disappeared, and most importantly - I had so much more energy! I absolutely love Bec's philosophy, her recipes are so delicious and easy, and I recommend her to everyone! Thank you Bec, forever grateful!"

- Anna Sinclair

If you’re like most of the women I’ve helped, then…


✔ You've spent years dieting but always seem to gain it back

✔ You try extremely hard to lose weight, yet can't seem to stop overeating on weekends or at the end of the day

✔ You're sick of counting calories and busting your ass at the gym 5-6 times a week and not seeing results

✔ You're sick of visits to "by the book" dieticians or doctors who give you no answers or real help for your bloating concerns

✔ You know you want to lose weight, but are fearful to try yet another boring, restrictive diet that has you eating tiny meals or plain chicken, broccoli and rice as you’re a foodie and want to enjoy flavour and a glass of wine!

Answered yes to any of the above and feel like you've tried EVERYTHING, yet can't see any long term results?

I get it, I really do, because I was there too.

"After healing my own chronic gut concerns and weight fluctuations, completing my Bachelor of Science Nutrition degree, then constructing over 700 personalised meal plans that produced life-changing results for women just like me, I could perfect this lower carb approach for this signature meal plan! And it's working - for thousands of women! 

I went through 4 years of spending countless dollars on seeing specialists and people who only offered me 'by-the book' advice which DIDN'T WORK."

Thousands of women who have 'tried it all'...

are FINALLY slimming down & losing the bloat (without the hunger) with this evidence based, tasty and easy plan...
This could be you too!
Click play below to hear about my story and how I help women on Channel 9 news!

So, who is it for?

It particularly helps women who:

✔ Are health-conscious and ‘doing all the right things’ but not seeing results

✔ Have tried calorie restriction or keto diets before with no success due to too much restriction

✔ Are caught in the toxic yo-yo dieting cycle

✔ Have bloating or IBS-type concerns

✔ Have PCOS, insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes

✔ Have hypothyroidism or hashimotos

✔ Are going through peri-menopause, menopause or post-menopause

✔ Have inflammatory complaints such as fluid retention, acne or fatigue

✔ Have extreme sugar cravings or a large appetite

✔ Are gluten sensitive or coeliac

Join now, start any Monday, have access for life!

The 3 Week Body Reset is designed to help you...

It helps you...

Slim Down (minus the hunger)

Expect a kick start to your weight loss journey - without the hunger and restriction that come along with other calorie controlled plans.

Lose the Bloat

You may experience a reduction in IBS symptoms, leaving you feeling lighter, happier and pain free. 

Boost Your Energy

Expect a clear head, less brain fog and boosted energy as your livers natural detoxification pathways are optimised. 

Find Peace With Food

You'll learn skills to help you lose the diet mindset and feel at ease with the balanced nature of the plan.

 I'm all about the "whys" and helping you understand the science behind what I give you, so that you can feel empowered and committed to make change.


The meals are big, but the calories aren't

So that you feel like you're eating a lot, but you're really not! Win-Win.

Made possible by constructing each meal to be cleverly bulked up with low calorie, yet highly nutrient dense vegetables.

No room for small meals with me!


The meals are free from inflammatory - promoting foods

All meals are gluten free, sugar free and nearly all dairy free. Why? Elimination of these foods has caused the cessation of bloating complaints and the remission of hashimotos as-well as other inflammatory concerns such as acne and arthritis in the majority of my clients. It also helps women with PCOS immensely!


Cravings diminish and hunger halts

Compared to other calorie controlled plans, this low carb, higher fat plan causes less hunger & greater feelings of fullness.

This makes sticking to this plan actually possible!

Unlike other plans where "hanger" as a serious emotion.


The guesswork is taken out

With a new, calorie controlled & delicious meal plan, together with clear shopping lists each week, you won't have to think about what to do!

It's all done for you. Hello more time! Bye calorie counting apps!


How is it different to other weight loss plans?

For years I have studied the reasons and mistakes behind WHY, on a scientific level, women keep failing to consistently slim down and keep it off with the plethora of diets out there.

This plan helps to ACTUALLY produce results for women - and long term ones too.

Here are just some of the differences...

Furthermore, scientific studies demonstrate that a 35% reduction in calories results in a 30-40% reduction in BMR (the amount of calories you burn per day).

Your body slows down to compensate for this loss of energy!

This is why so many women regain the weight straight back after a regular, calorie restricted diet.

My extensively researched, tried and tested approach however still controls calories, but ALSO simultaneously strongly considers the correct balance of macronutrients and how they affect your metabolism to preserve muscle mass and keep your metabolism strong.

Not only that, but women ACTUALLY soon see, after starting, that it is more-so a lifestyle plan than a diet. Meaning, they easily keep it up - with space for meals out, their favourite foods and a glass of wine. 

My approach also uses a method where it takes ALL of the time, stress and guesswork out of calorie counting for you.

Lots of diets don’t provide you with this information - and having an understanding of what you are eating, to ensure you are in a calorie deficit, is VITAL for weight loss.

How? Every single recipe has precise calorie and macro numbers attached, using my nutrition software. This means that, in your meal plan, you can see exactly how many calories and macros you are eating for the day. Even if you swap things around, your daily intake will appear automatically.

This is designed to keep you conscious of your calories, yet negating any work on your behalf - especially when calorie counting apps can be so imprecise.

"Having the calories done for me has been an absolute game-changer"

“I used to spend hours trying to meal plan with calorie counting apps, only to feel SO overwhelmed and confused. I would get so discouraged and then binge eat, it was like a never ending cycle.

But having you do it ALL has been insane - it takes all the guesswork out. I now enjoy meal planning for myself, I’m done in half the time and it’s no longer stressful or overwhelming for me. It’s helped me immensely both mentally AND physically”

"The done-for-you calorie counted meals are a godsend, it takes all the guesswork out!"

"These are the only meal plans that I have been able to adapt and follow to suit my lifestyle.

All of the guesswork is removed for me and I love that I can easily swap around the meals around with confidence and ease. It’s extremely convenient as I don’t have time to calculate individual calories for each meal!"

By having the meal planning and calorie counting it done for you, it gives you an awareness of how much you are eating (which is vital) - but reduces your likelihood of becoming ‘obsessive’ and risking disordered eating behaviours.

And, most plans are 'calorie-only' focussed.

However, women with bloating or other gut concerns, PCOS, peri-menopause or menopause, hashimotos or any other inflammatory concern are ALSO at the forefront of my focus with this plan.

It’s not ONLY a weight loss plan.

The nature of this approach offers surprising relief for so many women who have tried it all, seen multiple specialists and feel stuck and confused.
As someone who has healed her own chronic gut concerns with this approach, I get it and I’m so passionate to share it with you too.
It's 100% gluten and grain free and predominantly dairy free, with extra help and direction included to help you pinpoint your concerns if there are any more!
The 3 Week Body Reset program is made up of 3 parts:

Online portal

Mini lessons and printable resources to educate and guide you along your journey. It complements your meal plan so that you understand the WHY behind what you're doing whilst also keeping you accountable - setting you up for long term success.

The meal plan

A PDF eBook including your 3 weeks of 'done-for-you' meal plans, precise shopping lists, 40 recipes, exact macronutrient breakdowns and a glossary of foods to help you navigate the supermarkets without the guesswork.

Regular emails

Whilst on the plan, you are followed in live time with a series of emails to motivate you and remind you to login to the portal to digest the relevant content for where you're at! This increases your accountability and therefor, follow through rate and results!

Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek of the 3 Week Body Reset portal!



And, a sneak peek of some of the recipes, which are all:


✔ Gluten free, low carb, high in fibre, mostly dairy free (with dairy free options)

✔ Easy to cook for all levels of cooking

✔ Simple, using not a tonne of different ingredients that have you in the kitchen for hours

✔ Tasty and big!

✔ Easily adapted to your partner and kids. Or left as is, they love them!

Join the 3 Week Body Reset now! Start any Monday, have access for life!

Oh, by the way - that's not all. You also get these 4 Bonus Guides to help you create flexibility and the ability to personalise the plan to YOU...

These low carb guides complement your plan to help you stay on track if you need to sway from the plan.

Flexibility is key!

Low Carb Snack Ideas Guide

A snack guide broken down into 100 and 200 calorie portions to keep your appetite in check and cravings at bay.

I'd Love To!

Low Carb Dining Out Guide

Stay on track with your goals and know what to choose when you dine out or grab takeaway! My top tips for different cuisines.

Sign Me Up!

Build Your Own Salad Guide

Create any salad that always equals 400 calories and stays within the Health with Bec guidelines.

I'm In!

BONUS 4 - a guide to help your partner or kids join in.

Don't want to make separate meals for your partner or family?

You don't have to. No one has time for that!

See what some women are saying...
Worried you won't be able to maintain your social life, grab a meal out or fit this plan around your festive events?


Scarred by past attempts where diets don't teach you how to be flexible at these times?


Have no fear!

The 3 Week Body Reset has blank spaces over the weekend for these times. I educate you on HOW to do this so that you can keep living life.


Takeaway, meals out and social events are all a part of normal life - and this plan is a lifestyle plan, not a rigid diet. So, if you have events coming up, or you just love your Friday night burger and wine - that’s ALLOWED!

Just like Jade...

"6 weeks of following this lifestyle (3 Week Body Reset then I joined the Tribe) and 5.5 kgs lost! 

I’m feeling so much more comfortable in my own skin. I have way less hunger and cravings and most days I feel so energised & focussed! 

A few things to note: - the last six weeks have not been perfect - I went away to Byron for a hens long weekend in the middle (3 nights away) and definitely enjoyed myself! - I had a wedding another weekend - and I have indulged in pizza for my freedom meal tonight..."

Fear you'll miss your carbs on a low carb plan?

This is one of the most common fears women have, but you honestly don’t need to worry with this plan! I’ve got you!

Being a foodie myself who also eats this way, I have healthy, gluten free alternatives for nearly every carb-based meal so that you'll never feel like you’re missing out.

From bread, to pasta, to noodles, to baked goods - I’ve got you. The below images are just some examples of the meals…

I know, there are SO many diets out there...

It's hard to trust yet ANOTHER one right?! So, don't just listen to me - see what women worldwide who have tried it all are saying!


I was sceptical when I started, but was SO tired of trying ‘all the things’ and getting nowhere. I was worried that it would be boring and I’d be starving all the time…

But, when the scales were 3 kg down after a week I was sold!! The meals are easy and delicious which is a relief as a time poor business owner!

I lost 4.5 kgs, then continued on in the Tribe and never want to stop. 8 kgs down now and have never felt hungry or deprived!


“I’ve always been a healthy eater and an active person, but something just wasn’t working…

After the 3 Week Body Reset and continuing on in the Tribe, the pieces of the puzzle just came together, I've lost 6.5 kgs in 6 weeks and never felt hungry.

It's affordable, my energy levels are at an all time high and I have just continued on - there is no end date!"


“I have just completed the 3 Week Body Reset and I feel fabulous. I have been struggling with gut issues and finding it hard to lose weight for 2 years, even though I ate relatively healthy and worked out 5 days a week.

The dinners are delicious and I have to say, this girl really knows her flavours!

I have lost 9 kgs in 8 weeks - I joined your Tribe after the reset to continue on and never looking back. Thanks Bec!”


“After following Bec's 3 Week Body Reset Plan and continuing with a moderately low carb way of eating, I have lost nearly 10 kgs! Bec's recipes and plans have completely inspired me. You never feel hungry and are always satisfied. Bec has literally changed my life! I'm in the best shape ever and food no longer has a negative hold over me."


“Before this, I was exercising a lot and seeing no shift. I was also bloated and sluggish daily. As a major foodie, I was very sceptical but, to my surprise the food was amazing. I shifted weight with less exercise, my energy has increased dramatically and I fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes that I thought I would never fit again! Milk supply is great too! Thank you!”

Emma Golden

"There’s been a huge reduction in inflammation and water retention so fast, which makes a massive difference!

The sluggishness is gone, my tummy pains are gone and my afternoon energy lows are gone too. My skin is also looking clearer. I'm half way through and I've lost 2 kgs whilst feeling full and nourished the entire time!"

Join now, start any Monday, have access for life!

"I've lost 6.5 kgs - and it wasn't hard to do!"

“Before I started the 3 Week Body Reset, I was craving sugar and carbs and was SO tired in the afternoons. I've just finished and it was AMAZING!! I have lost 6.5 kgs and am pretty happy about that, because it wasn't hard to do!! The recipes were fantastic, so delicious and easy to make. I've lost my sugar cravings and my energy increased!"

- Nikki Fox

"My IBS symptoms are gone - and I've lost 6-7 kgs!"

I hadn't been able to lose any weight for almost 4 years and I was constantly bloated. Now, all of my IBS symptoms are gone - and I've lost 6-7 kgs! I'm never hungry, have more energy, enjoy my meals and enjoy cooking them. You've showed me a new way of life and this is how I intend to live my life now!"

- Noemi Imperitura

"You truly CAN lose weight with menopause"

After years of trying & not achieving anything, my weight has come down quickly. And, no bloating! Just an overall feeling of wellbeing. This is an easy, sustainable way of living & I love it. I haven't felt this good in years!! Never forget how amazing you are and how many lives you have changed."

- Andrea Pursey

"As I have PCOS and insulin resistance, I've really struggled with my weight for years" 

"After the 3 Week Body Reset, I felt a lot better than I had in a long time - no bloating, more energy and I finally started seeing my body change. The Tribe is an amazing addition and the inspirational women in there has made we want to work harder to achieve my goals."

- Jacqueline Rochelle


Can you imagine how it would feel if you TOO could:

✔ Get to that 3 pm time and not crash or crave sugar

✔ Become free from the “all or nothing” mindset and grab something out without feeling like a failure

✔ Slim down whilst eating tasty, fulfilling meals and feeling full with zero guilt

✔ Stop busting your ass at the gym and actually see results

✔ Stop the dreaded, daily bloat

✔ Transform your mindset around portion sizes and learn how you CAN eat large serves & say goodbye to small servings for good!

✔ Have far more energy & confidence for your family and work

✔ Feel that you’ll never have to try another diet again

Can you imagine how it would feel if you TOO could...


✔ Get to that 3 pm time and not crash or crave sugar

✔ Become free from the “all or nothing” mindset and grab something out without feeling like a failure

✔ Slim down whilst eating tasty, fulfilling meals and feeling full with zero guilt

✔ Stop busting your ass at the gym and actually see results

✔ Stop the dreaded, daily bloat

✔ Transform your mindset around portion sizes and learn how you CAN eat large serves & say goodbye to small servings for good!

✔ Have far more energy & confidence for your family and work

✔ Feel that you’ll never have to try another diet again

Well... you can. 

Now's the time for you to ask yourself… would you like a low carb meal plan to get you out of the hungry, restrictive, yo-yo dieting cycle and into action ASAP (for the long run)?

So that you can FINALLY see how it feels to watch your waistline decrease with tasty, large and easy meals?


If so, you have 3 options:

1. Do nothing - and continue to attempt to diet yourself, constantly crave food and visit multiple dieticians who give you no real answers.


2. Try to go low carb yourself and spend hours and hours calorie counting on apps, researching what is and isn’t allowed, searching for recipes (wondering if they’re low carb) and end up very likely missing out on essential nutrients.


3. Follow a proven, step by step system that completely takes all of the guesswork out of meal planning, shopping and calorie counting for you so that you can slim down and lose the bloat (without the hunger or boredom) and know that you're supporting your gut health and meeting your nutrient needs.

If you chose 3...

Let's get started!

I surveyed hundreds of women who have done this plan to see what they thought it was worth after doing it and 90% of them said $500-$1000 AUD.

But, I wanted to keep it really affordable for you to make this a no-brainer to join so that you can take action and hopefully it will be the last time you'll have to buy yet ‘another’ diet or meal plan.

For less than the price of 1 hour with a Dietician or Nutritionist where you leave with no real action plan, done-for-you meal plan or recipes to follow, this plan is only $149.00 AUD.

You also get LIFETIME access, unlike most programs. Any updates you GET! And, you can start again or repeat it as many times as you like.

Bundle offer

$159.00 AUD (save $10.00)

Or use Afterpay & pay only $39.75 AUD today! (4 interest-free payments of $39.75 AUD)

  • The entire 3 Week Body Reset program ($149.00 AUD)
  • Get my Eat Cake Lose Weight PDF eBook for half price ($20.00 AUD  $10.00 AUD) 
  • Bonus access to a private facebook group with women on the exact same journey as you (optional to join, not compulsory - it's just great for even MORE accountability, support and questions!)
  • Lifetime access
Join now, start any Monday and have access for life!


$149.00 AUD

Or use Afterpay & pay only $37.25 AUD today! (4 interest-free payments of $37.25 AUD)

  • The entire 3 Week Body Reset program
  • Bonus access to a private facebook group with women on the exact same journey as you (optional to join, not compulsory - it's just great for even MORE accountability, support and questions!)
  • Lifetime access
Join now, start any Monday and have access for life!


The Eat Cake Lose Weight eBook

Filled with 12 sweet, low carb, gluten free and guilt free recipes that are healthy enough to eat daily as snacks or for breakfast! The recipes can be subbed in to your 3 Week Body Reset instead of a recipe you don't like or added as a weekend treat!  

Just to recap, the 3 Week Body Reset Program includes:

✔Entire 3 Week Body Reset program: Access to the 3 Week Body Reset online learning portal with educational tutorials + 3 Week Body Reset PDF eBook (including the 3 meal plans, shopping lists, 40 recipes, food glossary, macronutrient breakdown)



✔ Regular support emails to follow and support you in live time to keep you accountable and on track


✔ Bonus access to a facebook community of women on the same journey to keep you accountable and inspired (optional - you don't have to have facebook to benefit from this program, it's just great for extra accountability!)

  • Bonus Low Carb Snack Ideas Guide
  • Bonus Dining Out Guide
  • Bonus Build Your Own Salad Guide
  • Bonus Adapt to Your Family Guide

Total value of bonus guides ($40.00)

Considering it's the last diet you may ever need to buy, consider how much you're actually SAVING? 
Join now!

Have questions?

Here are some of the most commonly asked ones or, you can click the little chat box in the bottom right hand corner for more help!

Join now, start any Monday, have access for life!


This program offers eating and lifestyle advice in accordance with the Health with Bec approach and philosophy. You will find expert eating and lifestyle advice from Bec (qualified Nutritionist, BScNutr.) however, whilst it can assist, it's not intended to replace or heal any medical conditions. If you have any major health conditions, please seek medical advice in conjunction with this lifestyle.